You, me, points in space

Choreography · Performance · 2022
You, me, points in space

You, me, points in space is an interactive performance that tackles the notions of  inner and outer space, how they influence and thus interact with each other. If we take a mass of people as just the points in the universe, what is our personal space in there? How can just one point move, reshape the space or vice versa?  Two performers play with each other and surroundings using the minimal, geometrical movements in order to invade and reshape the outer space using their inner space till these two spaces become one. As they become one they also fall apart and they can coexist as a separate and a whole in the same time and space.


Concept/choreography: Sonja Stojanović
Choreographic assistance: Katarina Bućić
Dancers: Sonja Stojanović, Katarina Bućić/Tommy Le Kneringer
Dramaturgy: Dijana Milošević
Music: Alva Noto, album Hybrid
Supported by: Art Ritam, Belgrade Dance Institute 
Photo Credit: Nemanja Maraš, Trčanje za kulturom


Premiered at the event Body in Focus on 26th of March 2022 in Belgrade, Serbia.

Guest performance at Silkfluegge’s Guest on 26th of November 2022 at Kliscope in Linz, Austria.

Michael Aufreiter

Hi, I'm Sonja Stojanović. Glad that you are checking out my projects.

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