May 5, 2024

Premiere of the "CONTROLLER?" performance at SIRUP

The multidisciplinary performance “CONTROLLER?” premiered on 4th of May as part of the performance evening in Cultural Association Sirup in Linz Austria.

The piece works with the idea of control, who is in control, controller/controlled? Can we even be in controller of our actions and our life? The destination is communication, where the border of control and controller blends into the dance and intention becomes lost in the flow. 

The dance performer, Sonja Stojanović and musician, UDASI aka. Topi Piiranien are exploring the boundaries of being a controller and being controlled through the structured improvisation as the method of creation for both movement and sound which is happening live. 

All patterns are recognisable from the short prepared choreographic and musical sequences with which performers play along with. Performance is accompanied by movement, touch and light sensors as a technological reference to the CONTROLLER.

You can also read review of the performance and about Sirup by DIE REFERENTIN.  We would like to thank the Kulturverein Sirup for collaboration, support and organisation.

Stay tuned for next performances!

Photo credit: Werner Puntigam.

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Michael Aufreiter

Hi, I'm Sonja Stojanović. Glad to have you on my website.

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