Jan 26, 2024

PLAY-RE-PLAY at OPEN STAGE at Kristallwerk in Graz

Segment of PLAY-RE-PLAY, solo performance was part of the Open Stage event’s program at Kristallwerk in Graz. Event is created to support and showcase work in progress performances from the local contemporary dance scene with guests from Marirbor, Slovenia as well.

Very nice event was organised by Tanzhaus Graz with support of Land Steiermark, City of Graz, Das another Theater and Kristallwerk. Evening was curated by wonderful Margret Hausegger and the the team of Tanz Graz.

Among the audince was also a dance critic, that wrote the following in the article:

“Mit feinnervig Minimalistischem packt Sonja Stojanović-Aufreiter in „PLAY-RE-PLAY“, einem Gastauftritt aus Linz: Ein Körper, der die ihm ureigene Sprache zu suchen scheint.”

“Sonja Stojanović-Aufreiter packs a delicately minimalistic tone in “PLAY-RE-PLAY”, a guest appearance from Linz: a body that seems to be searching for its very own language”

Eveline Koberg

The full article that captured the evening you can read on the following link.

Thanks again to the Tanzhaus Graz for the invitation and an amazing experience. Till the next time.

Photo credit: MOMOOD Photography

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Michael Aufreiter

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